Life in Wellington

I thought it was about time i shared a little about what living in Wellington was like; we've been here for over a month now. Well. It's windy. And hilly. It's SERIOUSLY windy almost every day - proper gusts and non-skirt wearing weather, and as for having long hair down - an absolute no-no. It gets tiring at times. Washing dries very quickly though.
There are a lot of good things to be said for Wellington though. The botanic gardens are near the centre and beautiful... there is a lovely wildlife sanctuary just on the outskirts which has lots of nice birds and trees and things (clearly we haven't learnt many of them yet!) and tuatara which are the closest living relative of dinosaurs. Well, i'm not actually sure if that's true, but they certainly look like mini-dinosaurs. The harbour is really pretty, there are quite a few sandy beaches, and today one of them played host to the international volleyball finals. Unluckily for Ash we got there late and so missed the women's match, although he says he can't understand why anyone wants to watch athletic women in scanty bikinis bouncing around on the sand.
Wellington also has lots of free stuff going on like concerts in the botanic gardens, carnivals and street parties... all in all not a bad place to be.
The photos are of one of the beaches (scorching bay) and me looking a bit poncy in the botanical gardens with the city in the background.
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